…wherein I couldn’t be bothered to post anything more than a one-line comment.
1) Stanford pushes separate physics course for minority students — the problem won’t be finding “minority” students for these classes — I fully expect them to be dumbed down to 10th-grade level so as to pass as many as possible– but I’m more interested in where Stanford will find the minority lecturers to teach them. (Also: which minorities? Can we insist that Physics For Minorities 1.0 must include Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Persian and Jewish students instead of just the stupid minorities?)
2) Global Warming High Priest Loses Court Case — He refused to reveal his “source” data because it was all invented and he knew that it wouldn’t even stand up to scrutiny by a freshman Statistics class. Quelle surprise.
3) BritPM Politely Tells The EU To Eff Off — this after hearing that the U.S. will give them a quick, yuge and profitable trade deal. In essence, Boris said “No deal? No exit fee.” (The EU will have difficulty staying together without Britishland’s annual contribution, which is why they’re trying to stop Brexit, as any fule kno.)
4) Joe Walsh Announces Presidential Run — Hey, he warned us that he would, many years ago.
Couldn’t do much worse than any of the Socialist candidates, IMO.
5) Lefties Start Turning Towards Violence — …and Kim buys more ammo and goes to the range. (Incidentally, when I took the Browning High Wall .45-70 Govt to the indoor range a couple days back, I told the nervous young clerk that the bullet wouldn’t go through the back wall, but it might push it over. Only the laughter from the older guys stopped him from doing something silly.)