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Tag: Humor
Stuff that makes me laugh
5 Worst Self-Inflicted Injuries
Ranked in order of severity:
- paper cut
- tearing a toenail off instead of cutting it off
- attempting any fool stunt which requires that someone else first hold your beer
- seppuku (with vertical and horizontal cuts)
- watching any movie starring Alan Alda
Your suggestions in Comments.
Random Thought
Run with me on this one.
Suppose that there were alien life forms out somewhere in the universe, and that they sent out exploratory missions to study life on other planets. Then they came to our planet, somehow managing to evade all our oh-so sophisticated tracking systems and such, and landed here, where the very first person they encountered was:
There are all sorts of reactions one could imagine, on being faced with Keef for the first time:
- Abject terror (“Aaiiiieeee! Run from the monster!”)
- Profound admiration (“Fuck me! How do these creatures survive with all that toxic shit in their systems?”)
- Self-doubt (“Did we colonize this planet already, and just forget about it?”)
Feel free to add your suggestions in Comments.
(Keith’s reaction on seeing the aliens: “I have got to get me some more of that shit!”)
Caption Competition #24
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Father’s Day
As any fule kno, I’m not much for Hallmark holidays (like today). However, this one’s priceless:
Probably not on United, or else the cabin crew would have given the kid a broken nose by now.
And because I’m relentlessly cynical:
Caption Competition #23
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