Wait, I thought it was always Black people forced into doing the cleaning… or have I been lied to? Anyway:
From the Police Blotter (NYC Division):
...of course he did; they’re not Republicans, are they?
In Parish Notes (Islam Division):
From The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...and for a bonus, he came in (illegally) through their Ukranian refugee program. Also:
...for those people who’ve been in a coma for the past ten years. And back Over Here:
...here’s a suggestion for his 17th:
...anyone getting sick of this? I’m not.
...sorry, but we’re running low on avgas, thanks to FJB.
And the final word on this topic:
And speaking of someone who should be tossed out of a helicopter:
...is she threatening us, or just harking back to all the violence (but not murders) the last time Trump won in November? Anyway as I recall, it was her crowd doing all the violence.
And that’s not all #OrangeManBadTweeter is going to do:
...when did Fauxcahantas become Nostradamus?
And moving on with some
...uphold the family tradition and have his sister-in-law die in a car “accident”?
...huh? Let’s remind ourselves who we’re talking about, here:
Way too skinny for my taste, but surely there’s someone…
And on that despairing note, we end the news.