Monday Funnies

What made me think it was Monday already?

So let’s continue in the same spirit:

And speaking of goths…

Yeah, go to work dressed like that, and see how The Boss likes it.  And that goes for my Lady Readers, too.

First Report / Second Report

At first, the viral video showed some asshole Manhattan finance type [redundancy alert]  punching a woman unconscious, and the general reaction was anger at the man’s brutality.

Well, Nazzo fast, Guido.  Seems as though there was more to the story than first met the eye:

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, called anti-Semitic slurs, and doused in a mystery liquid, moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade, a source with knowledge of the incident told

Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip did not capture the full clash on Saturday, which began when a group of four female ‘Queers for Palestine’ supporters started allegedly taunting Kaye — who is Jewish — as he returned from dinner.

Kaye is said to have told the group that they were ‘on the wrong side’, prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said.

By the way, it was an excellent punch.

And when they’re acting like thugs (like the punchee was), I for one can’t see the problem with beating the shit out of a Palsymp shitforbrains anyway.  There should be a lot more of it.

“Queers For Palestine”, my aching Gentile ass.  Can you say “Deport these queers to Palestine to see how they’re received”, children?

News Roundup

You’re going to need a drink after seeing this lot.

...nah, not that one;  that’s some other Simon Cowell.  Made you look.

...ah now, that’s Our Simon:  ready to do anything for TV ratings, the foul bastard.

In Glueball Jewhate News:

Relax, Jacques;  it’s Paris.

Also, news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©, U.S. Division:

...causing poor children to starve:  it’s the United  African Way.

And speaking of the poverty-stricken:

...of course, they’re only poor African members, so donations won’t be affected.

And in Political Disaster! News:

...not that the Commie bitch doesn’t deserve it, of course. mean like Biden with the student debt forgiveness thing?

Meanwhile, in reality:

And let’s hope he learns from this guy:

It’s not just in the Americas:


...of course, in Euro terms, “far-right” is “JFK Democrat” on the U.S. political spectrum.

In Health News: no different from what happens in a pub, then.

From the Travel News desk:

...key word:  Mumbai.

Some Parenting News:

...explanation:  loony father and mother, likely insane kids.

And in yet more 


...fuck Hamilton, he’s going to Ferrari next year anyway.

And driving down :

And as Clint Eastwood might say:  “That’s enough of that.”