Monday Funnies

So let’s spice up the dreadful morning with a few items of (predictably) questionable taste.

And on a similar topic:

Okay, that’s enough political stuff.  Let’s go deeper:

Some things that do have periods:

And on that bloody note, I’ll send you off into the week.

News Roundup

And speaking of bonfires:

...can you spell “F-I-X”, children?

And then:

...whereupon the expected response follows:

...yep;  the fix is in.

From the Everybody Panic!!! Department:

...note “scientists” and all the weasel words.

And speaking of those loathsome assholes:

...I’m sure they do, considering that their entire army was equipped by the U.S. thanks to all those military supplies left behind in the Great Biden Afghanistan Betrayal of 2021.

And speaking of religious people:

...see, if he had been a Muslim he would have murdered the artist instead of just destroying the statue.

In the Righteous Shootings Dept.:

...bringing a lunge to a gunfight:  not a good idea.

In Health News:


And Womyn’s News:

...errrr that’s because modern-day “liberal women” have denigrated, demonized, pussified and castrated traditional men.  Liberal men surrendered to that trope;  conservative men never have.  Connect the dots, Cunty.

And now, we’re on to 

...or in Hollywoodspeak:  “Thunberg 2”.

...which could be taken as a warning if you decide to use today’s ad item as implied.

Finally, as we take a trip down : wonder they won. 

Still, they were playing Holland… and this weekend will take on Spain in the Euro Cup Final.  Wonder who’ll get her boobs  support then?

And that’s it for the news.


As someone who’s been involved in marketing and advertising for pretty much most of his adult life, I am generally immune to clever-pants packaging and advertising.

But I saw this set of erasers at the Sooper-Seekrit Mailbox Place the other day, and just had to buy them even though I have no need of any such thing anymore:

I actually chuckled when reading them — and if I knew Britney Spears’s home address, I’d send her the “oops” one.

Making you buy something you don’t really need just because the message is irresistible:   fundamentally, the sign of excellent marketing.

Just One Winner

Of all the headlines you’d like to read in whatever media tomorrow, what would you most like to see?  (No, not “AIDS Cure Found In Dolphin Livers” — go bigger.)


I’ll leave the sub-head / followup article to you, in Comments.

And by the way, I have a sneaking suspicion that more than a few Democrats wouldn’t mind seeing it either.  But think of all the wasted paper involved in their pre-printed fake ballots…

News Roundup

And to make up for that sexxxissss ad, today’s roundup will be all about Teh Wimmens.

...excellent.  More like this, please.  And like this:

...for all sorts of good reasons.

...keyword:  lawyer. which we play the usual “Guess The Race” game.  And speaking of intemperate Black women:

...I see this as a win-win situation.  Popcorn, please?  And:

...she should be thinking about keeping herself alive, especially as she has that list of Epstein clients.

...oh, why not?  Left to himself, he could equally have chosen “cheese sandwich”Both would be equally accurate.

Now for some intemperate White women:

...are we talking “Wicked Witch Of The West” melting?  Are they selling tickets?

...okay, that’s fake news, unfortunately.

...this nearly made it into INSIGNIFICA.   And speaking of which, here we are:

And living on  :

...well. shall we take a look at Miss Jama’s clothing?


And I think that’s all the news worth revealing.