Quote Of The Day

From Kenny:

While I’ve never had nor wanted one, Lisa enjoys her gay coffee drinks from Starbucks, insisting on getting one every time we go to Gallatin where the nearest Starbucks is located.
Naturally it’s in a spot that’s a royal pain in the ass to get into or leave due to traffic, and to add insult to injury, they take forfuckingever to make it. I’m serious, there’s always a few cars in front of us, so we can figure on at least a 20 to 30 minute wait. It may be a shorter time if I was to park and go inside to get it, but I absolutely refuse to step inside due to liberal germs. It’s bad enough a liberal company was getting our money.

You had me at “gay coffee drinks” and “liberal germs”…

News Roundup

Speaking of fresh meat, there’s news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...I’m thinking:
followed by: 

...and the same as above for whoever signed off on his release.

...and in other news on NPR, Hitler commits suicide.


...because of course they are.  Can hardly be worse than the real thing.

...or, as the old advert goes, “UNION — OUI” Of course, they’d only be messing up the Paris Olympics, so

...and the people are sad:

...and her answer is always:  “I just use Scotch instead.”

...more like Dubai-on-Thames, but we’ve talked about that before.

In local news:

...and about damn time, too.  However, the full court will no doubt override the panel.

Then from the Department of Education:

...I’m guessing because that if he could, he’d be too old for her.

...I can’t decide whether “witch” is more objectionable than “genderqueer”.  Taken together, of course, there should be a hanging Of whichever school official thought this was a neat idea.

Time for some EVERYBODY PANIC!!!! News:

...note:  “could”.  Or… “probably won’t”.

And for some totally


...not Salma Hayek?  Then nobody cares, honey.

And in our stroll down :

...did somebody say “LINGERIE”???

And that’s the news covered.

Why Rejuvenation?

Here’s one that got me thinking:

Scientists have found ancient [herpes] viruses locked inside Neanderthal bones that are 50,000 years old — and experts could be set to recreate them.  The team who made the discovery now plan to try and synthesize these viruses to see how they compare to modern ones.

Clearly, the modern, largely-incurable herpes viruses aren’t enough for us to deal with.

Okay, let’s have them explain themselves:

“These Jurassic Park-like viruses could then be studied for their reproductive and pathogenic traits and compared to present-day counterparts.” 

Actually, no.  The last fucking thing we need is to find out how they reproduced themselves.  Why?  Because once we do, the shit will be able to reproduce itself.

Wuhan, anyone?

The hell with that.  I’m very supportive of Scientific Curiosity and all that, but sometimes you just have to draw the line.

And frankly, if we’re going to bring old stuff back to life, what’s wrong with resurrecting the mid-1950-era Mercedes 300 SC?

They could be made in all pretty colors, with- or without soft tops, etc., etc.

Oh wait, I forgot:  that’s engineering, not !Science!

Still, I put it to my Readers that having the world flooded with fine 300 SCs would be far more beneficial to life than doing the same with a 50,000-year-old pox.

Feel free to propose other extinct things you’d like to bring back to the modern world;  but I have to warn y’all, I got fibs on crucifixion.

News Roundup

Let’s talk about something interesting.

...yeah, and when pets, joggers or children start getting eaten, then — aargh, I couldn’t be bothered even talking about this foolishness.

On to The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...sounds like an elegant solution to a problem, right there.

...and nobody cares, because CdM is just an excuse for amateurs to wear stupid costumes and drink too much.

...basically, it’s a lab experiment for the U.S., only we’re already doing it bigger and better.

News from The Pulpit:

...and the AP (of course) thinks that this is a Bad Thing.

Then you have what the Catholics would call “the heathens”:

...but if it’s not to Allah, then one of those faiths is gonna kill you, of course.  And speaking of foolishness:

what the hell, they’ve allowed Commies into their clergy, why not the freakos too?  And the final nail in the coffin:

...plans?  I thought that program was pretty much in place already.

And speaking of evil teachers…

In the Dept. of Education:

...gets around, doesn’t she?

Some Pre-Insignifica:

...keyword:  Floriduh.

...when it works on Harvey Weinstein, then she can make that claimUnless, of course, she’s managed to combine the smell of money with the taste of chocolate, in which case all bets are off.

...basically, it’s a Train Smash trifecta:  dubious hairstyle choice, intoxication and a cigarette.

And in even more 


...actually, having the Sun King’s genes splashing around in her DNA pool probably explains a great deal about her.

And in the Who She? Dept.:

...bikini by Shein, lips by Michelin.

And that’s the news.