Seen SOTI, addressed to all the pro-Hamas campers on college campuses:
Of course, that’s assuming that all the pro-Hamas protesters were students — which they weren’t.
Stuff that makes me laugh
Seen SOTI, addressed to all the pro-Hamas campers on college campuses:
Of course, that’s assuming that all the pro-Hamas protesters were students — which they weren’t.
What does Monday mean, again? Oh yeah, it’s back to work time:
So to take the rough edges off the day:
And on that saintly note, some not-very-saintly totty:
Now off to work you go. Just don’t forget your clothes:
(Kim writing his blog before personal computers were invented.)
Let’s start by looking to what the terrorists and terrorsymps are doing:
...wait: protesters came all the way from Long Island?
...terrorists tell lies. In other news, Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic.
...why? Those journos are their most fervent supporters.
From the Dept. of Stupid Fucking Laws:
...and even that percentage is too high, there being no such actual crime as “hate speech”.
News from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...that excuse is positively Clintonesque.
...child molestation being very much part of his “home culture”, no doubt.
Some Political News:
...only difference is that unlike Mandela, Trump’s presidency won’t involve creating utter chaos in the country.
From the Lawn Order Department:
...just one of the perils of electing a Democrat as governor. As opposed to the great state of Georgia, which didn’t:
...only way this could be better is if shooting squatters as dangerous criminals would not involve prosecution. Oh well, baby steps.
...but no mention of any daily whippings or weekly ball-kickings? Must be an oversight.
And some Entertainment News: might say the same thing about Piers Morgan, of course.
In Economics News:
...which absolutely nobody saw coming, except everyone who isn’t in government or academia.
And in more (link-free)
Finally, in a drive down :
Not just leggy, but also quite booby:
And that’s how we keep abreast of the news.
I mean, FFS: did they really mean it when they released Not Fade Away, all those years ago?
Do I even have to explain why this one sucks, on so many levels?
I find myself curiously conflicted by this one. On the one hand: ISIS are a bunch of fuckwits; but on the other hand, so are Commies.
And one (only one) headline that absolutely didn’t suck:
Color me astonished.
Ol’ C.W. gives an opinion of Your Humble Narrator:
…or maybe I’m just being overly-sensitive, and he’s talking about that NoRK asshole, and Once And Future POTUS Trump. (#YesHeIs)
Now I’m not saying I myself wouldn’t do exactly what’s being represented there… okay, I would.
Does that make me as crazy as The Donald?