So let’s turn things around with a little humor.
And from some of the runners-up:
Now off to work before you get into hot water.
Stuff that makes me laugh
So let’s turn things around with a little humor.
And from some of the runners-up:
Now off to work before you get into hot water.
Here’s the link. Use as you wish.
Speaking of snake-oil salesmen:
And in International News:
Speaking of which:
...I think he misspelled “Caliphate”, there.
On a similar topic:
From the Dept. of Education:
...can you spell “L-Y-I-N-G B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S”, children?
In Tech News:
...we were not shown the poor innocent shopper’s race; I wonder why that is? Could this new software be having problems because all shoplifters look alike?
...more because of their “externalized penis size” perhaps, but I could be wrong.
In the Okay, Cupid Dept.:
...the real news is that the honeymoon night pics will be posted on OnlyFans.
And in the new and improved (not really)
...complaining, or bragging? I report, you decide.
...yeah, whatever. To be frank, there’s not that much cleavage to plunge into. Now her legs, however, are definitely worth a little manspreading:
In fact, the back view is far more plungeworthy:
Amd that’s all the news worth diving into.
Your suggestions in Comments.
Given the observation that all Internet surveys on the topics of politics and economics will inevitably prove that you’re a libertarian, I nevertheless took this test:
My problem with these kinds of surveys is that questions are often posed demanding an either/or response, or else the question steers you towards a choice that isn’t really a choice
Here’s one example, in fact the very first question:
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
If economic globalization occurs, it will largely be brought about by government and transnational corporations. Expecting either to protect or enhance the interests of “humanity” is naïve beyond belief, because globalization is sought either for control (government) or profit (corporations). You can’t actually answer that question inside an Agree / Disagree matrix. But because the role of governments is ignored in the question, you’re forced into supporting transnational corporations or opposing them — a false dichotomy because in some cases, a uniform model is good (banking) or terrible (gun control). (I know: gun control isn’t an economic issue, unless one ignores H.L. Menken’s observation that when politicians talk, regardless of topic, it’s always about money.)
Here’s another:
Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races.
Define “race”. Are we using the classical definitions (e.g. Western-European, Sino-Japanese, Middle-Eastern) or the modern one (Black / White / Yellow / Other)? The White “race” is superior to the Black race when it comes to things like fine art, architecture or the rule of law, but are those even “qualities”? Once again, the survey-taker is left to decide what we’re talking about here, but in this case you can’t combine disparate definitions and opinions when using vague terminology.
One more example:
Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.
Those are incomparable conditions, because neither is a cause or a consequence, nor are they relatable. And “more important” to whom, exactly?
Having worked in the research business for over a quarter-century, I’ve designed literally hundreds of surveys, and found the “agree/disagree” format to be profoundly inferior to discrete / conjoint analysis — the latter involving a set of choices on the same topic, e.g.
Which do you prefer:
Option A or Option B?
Option B or Option C?
Option A or Option C?
The problem with conjoint methodology is that it’s more difficult to set up and to analyze, so lazy researchers (i.e. most of them) tend to go with the simpler binary structure.
Life, unfortunately, is seldom binary (unless you are a computer, totalitarian, religious zealot, libertarian or idiot — some overlap). The real world is more complex than that, which is why setting economics and social issues on a simple XY axis will almost always lead you to discover that Aha! you too are a libertarian, or would be if you could.
In fact, I have found that I tend more to the authoritarian side of the scale because I have to acknowledge that some form of outside control is sometimes necessary — protection of private property and streetlights being the simplest ones to imagine — but it can equally be deplorable (e.g. Judenfrei Nazi Art).
Nuance: we all have it, in varying degrees, except to most survey-takers.
Please note that I’ve erred on the side of simplicity in the above, because nothing causes a MEGO reaction like a discussion of statistical methodology. (MEGO: my eyes glaze over.)
Speaking of old dicks, let’s look at what our beloved President is doing.
From the The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...relax, Jake; it’s FJB. Or, to summarize: “President Braindead Is Insane.” More concise and 100% accurate.
...if “enforcement” means rolling out the welcome wagon, then yes. it just me, or is it time to go all Pinochet on these shitbirds?
In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© news:
...easier than blaming Trump or Boeing, I suppose.
In Global Jew Hate news:
...kinda reminds me of when Kaiser Wilhelm II supported the Arabs against the Jews.
...wait: Arabs are thieves? Who knew?
From The Kids Are Alright Dept.:
...considering that the Brit cops appear to do fuck all except harass people who post mean tweets, I would have thought that the work was right up their alley. Or they’re off on holiday:
...all part of the “work-life balance” thing, no doubt.
Okay, Let’s Blame Whitey:
...oh I just HOPE this is true, because I’d hate to think I had to clean up the coffee splatter for nothing.
...I thought that the prime killers of Black people are other Black people. Except when they do it to themselves:
...okay, this should have been in the Hearts Of Stone Department.
From the Dept. of Education:
...only good news of the day, that is.
In Technology News:
...everything Microsoft does is fucking creepy.
Time for some
...wait, WHAT? I’m not sure even Texas could contain those puppies.
In Sporting News:
...breaking news: Redneck #1 fights Redneck #2. [yawn]
...lessee what’s exciting the Irish lad:
...maybe it’s her swing.
On the other hand:
...oh. Then:
...I’m pretty sure he’s not that soft anymore. [see above for reasons]
And that’s all the news fit to take a mulligan.