Train Smash Time

Oh yeah, baby:  it’s that time of year when the Grand National is run at Aintree, and when we can look forward to some Train Smash Women and their antics.

Only, this year?  Not as much fun as usual… so far:

Too many regrettable decisions to count, in that last one.

A couple, it seemed, didn’t get the memo:

…but a lot of others did, and dressed accordingly:

That said, I think these pics were taken mostly in the early morning, before the booze had a chance to do its work.

On the other hand, maybe it’s just that nobody could afford to get wasted.  HFS, look at those prices:

Racegoers will be expected to pay £7.50 for draught beers (not including Guinness) and ciders, while a 330ml can could cost up to £7.

Meanwhile, a single serving of wine is set to cost £9.50 with a full bottle priced at £37.50.

A bottle of Prosecco will set punters back £46 while a bottle of Gobillard Brut Champagne totals a staggering £85.

Cocktails are priced at £13 each, with soft drinks costing £3.20 and a can of water £2.90 itself.

We’ll just have to wait and see.  More to follow.

Update 1:  Okay, despite the cost of booze, that’s a little more Train Smash-y…

And then came… Ladies Day.

News Roundup

Let’s kick off with some good news, from the Dept. Of Education:

And from the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© Temple:

...oh FFS.

From the Department of Irony:

...who as I recall voted for Biden over Trump, 53% – 47%.

From the Parish Newsletter:

...good thing he’s Anglican and not Catholic, or that Commie Pope would have got it all.

In Dietary News:

...does this mean I shouldn’t be eating Twinkies with my breakfast gin?

...relax, Jake;  it’s New York fucking City.

In the Dept. of Wokery:

...coming from a guy who really needs a swift slap in the face.

...I didn’t even know that the National Organization For Women was still around.  Kinda like the NRA for Cat Ladies, I guess. that when someone tells him to “Go fuck yourself”, he can.

...horribly-overpriced clothes, woke company:  it’s your purchase decision, so be my guest.

In Election News:

...Karl Rove, Karl Rove… who was he, again?  Oh yeah, the guy behind the loss of the election to Barack Obama.  Oh, and the Jan 6 protestors are not thugs, you asshole.

Now for some Adolescent Shooting News:

...silly boy;  if he’d just waited a few years, he could have shot Russians and been a national hero.

News from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

In link-free 

And in our journey into the  :

Abandon hope all ye who enter here, I think.

And that’s the news.

Monday Funnies

Yep… Monday, in a nutsack.  Meanwhile, on the Funny Front:

As my friend Patterson says:  “Most days, I don’t even want sex.  Just… silence.”

And just a teeny detour with a little something for our OCD friends:

And back we go to our scheduled programming:

And speaking of long drinks of water on a sunny day, here’s some Robert McGinniss mcgoodness:

Now finish dressing and head off into Monday.