And That’s Just ONE

At this rate, I’ll need to post articles from a fainting couch.  Why?

Consider just this Executive Order sent out under God-Emperor Trump’s signature.  It’s entitled “Unleashing American Energy” but its real title should be “Fuck You, Greenies”.  An excerpt:

Sec. 4.  Revocation of and Revisions to Certain Presidential and Regulatory Actions. 

(a)  The following are revoked and any offices established therein are abolished:

(i)     Executive Order 13990 of January 20, 2021 (Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis);

(ii)    Executive Order 13992 of January 20, 2021 (Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation);

(iii)   Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021 (Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad);

(iv)    Executive Order 14007 of January 27, 2021 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology);

(v)     Executive Order 14013 of February 4, 2021 (Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration);

(vi)    Executive Order 14027 of May 7, 2021 (Establishment of the Climate Change Support Office);

(vii)   Executive Order 14030 of May 20, 2021 (Climate-Related Financial Risk);

(viii)  Executive Order 14037 of August 5, 2021 (Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks);

(ix)    Executive Order 14057 of December 8, 2021 (Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability);

(x)     Executive Order 14072 of April 22, 2022 (Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies);

(xi)    Executive Order 14082 of September 12, 2022 (Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022); and

(xii)   Executive Order 14096 of April 21, 2023 (Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All).

That’s twelve of FJB’s ghastly Green New Deal EOs overturned, with a single EO.  Talk about efficiency.

And the followup clauses (b, c, d and e) are enough to make any Greenie’s head explode.

The other sections contained in the EO might well give you even greater pleasure, so hie thee hence and read the whole thing.

Just this single EO — among the hundreds of similar nature — actually makes me giddy with delight.  Years and years of needless, not to say hostile Green bureaucracy abolished.

Keep ’em coming, Boss.

Nazzo Fast, Boss

Okay, God-Emperor DJT has made his first misstep — in my eyes, anyway.  Here’s why:

Trump responded to a reporter’s question about whether he would halt relief aid to California because of their sanctuary city policies.

TRUMP: I want to see two things in Los Angeles: Voter ID, so that the people have a chance to vote. And I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state. Those are the two things.

Okay, here’s the thing.  I don’t think that POTUS / the FedGov should involve themselves in state politics, no matter how egregious the wrong being addressed.

I have no issue with the voter ID thing, because that has a direct impact on federal elections (e.g. for POTUS/VP), so whatever leverage he can apply to get that problem sorted out is fine.  Californians should not be able to rig the voting system (as they are), and that’s that.

But the water thing?  Nazzo fast, Guido.

The point is that in this regard, it is only Californians who are being hurt by the stupid Green policies of the CalGov.  It’s not a national issue, but a state issue.  If Californians continue to vote for the people who are in thrall to fucked-up policies like the water-related ones, then more fool them.  If they want to change those policies, they have to vote for change.  It’s not the business of the FedGov, ergo  nor that of POTUS.

It’s a step too far.

Even though I love the idea of Californians getting their noses rubbed into it, it’s wrong.

Make it just the voter ID issue, DJT, and we’ll be cool.

Quote Of The Day

From this guy:

We are currently watching the wokest elements of the left realizing in real time that they are a tiny minority and that most Americans hate them and their ideas.

And I’m enjoying it as much or more than he is.

Congress Playing Their Part

Hey, how can you argue with proposed legislation to rein in the jack-booted thugs of the ATF — especially when it’s known as the RIFLE Act?

Under the Biden Administration, ATF’s zero tolerance policy forced small and mid-sized gun stores out of business. The agency revoked Federal Firearm Licenses due to minor clerical errors like missing a customer’s middle initial or using a state’s abbreviation rather than the state’s full name. In 2024 alone, ATF saw the highest levels of gun store license revocations in 20 years—the third consecutive year of increased license revocations under President Biden’s leadership. Last week, the Biden Administration claimed it reversed its zero tolerance policy. Upon further review of the updated enforcement guidance, it appears to remain fully in effect.

Rep. Mann (R-KS) told Breitbart News, “President Biden did everything in his power to weaponize the federal government against gun store owners in the Big First District of Kansas and across the country. His zero tolerance policy undermined the Second Amendment and trampled on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. Since day one, I have rigorously pushed back against this unconstitutional policy and fought for more oversight to rein in ATF’s abuse.”

He added, “On November 5, 2024, the country made it clear—our constitutional rights are not up for grabs. My bill makes that crystal clear by fortifying the Second Amendment rights of local gun stores and seeking to restore a degree of wholeness to individuals whose livelihoods were destroyed by this federal abuse. I look forward to working with President Trump to further strengthen the protection of the Second Amendment, deliver justice for our FFLs, and get our country back on track.”

Who’s the new head of the ATF, again?  (I know, I know:  a decent head of the ATF would rescind the enforcement instructions off his own bat — I know I would, if my application to head up the ATF had been successful.  But then again, considering that I’d have started shutting down the entire agency from Day 1 of my appointment, the whole issue would have been moot.)

Germany Comes to Austria, Again

…just not at the head of a column of Panzers, this time:

As with Germany and France, losers big and small immediately decided they wouldn’t play with the party that had pulled nearly 30% of the votes cast or let the FPO ‘win’ at all. They moved to form a coalition to ice the Freedom Party out of government.

Like the National Rally in France (and the AfD in Germany — K.), all other ruling parties are uniting to keep the FPÖ out of government.

Hasn’t worked in Austria, either:

The announcement came more than three months after the legislative election on September 29. In that, the FPÖ, led by Herbert Kickl, emerged as the most popular party with 28.8 per cent of the vote.

The FPÖ had been unable to form a government due to a political cordon sanitaire imposed by other parties, labelling it as “far-right”. The ÖVP finished second with 26.3 per cent, followed by the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) with 21.1 per cent. The FPÖ has however taken part in previous government coalitions, the last time being 2019 (with ÖVP).

Austria’s President, Alexander Van der Bellen, a member of the Green Party and a vocal critic of Kickl, announced on January 5 that he would meet with the FPÖ leader on January 6.

In a brief televised address, Van der Bellen acknowledged that opposition within the ÖVP on collaboration with Kickl had softened after Nehammer’s resignation. “I have used the last few hours to speak to numerous political decision-makers. During these discussions, the picture emerged that the voices within the People’s Party that rule out cooperation with an FPÖ under Herbert Kickl have become significantly quieter,” he said.

In an emergency meeting following Nehammer’s decision, the ÖVP leadership appointed Christian Stocker, the party’s general secretary, as interim president. The ÖVP also expressed its willingness to negotiate with the FPÖ to form a coalition.

So off they go, kicking and screaming, into a political future that puts Austrian citizens first, and immigrants second.

Like the Germans, like the French, and for a bonus, like the Canuckis as well.

Of our own MAGA revolution we will not speak.

Hubba hubba.

My Thoughts Exactly

From The Daily Wire:

Influential conservative activist Charlie Kirk says the party should make lawmakers that get in the way of the Trump agenda pay the price.

Yup.  Enough of the GOPe RINOs.  Anytime someone doesn’t support MAGA principles — or worse, sides with the socialists against the Trump agenda — we should have him/her tossed out of office, to be replaced with someone with fire in the belly.  Kirk warns, however, not to go after the Republicans who are in marginal districts — because of the “incumbent advantage” — which is a smart play.

But those who represent deep-Red districts but still play footsie with the Left?

Open season.