From Insty:
From Insty:
Ordinarily, I have the same degree of interest in Democrat Party election processes as I do in, say, fungal growth [there are some similarities]. But if I read this right, it seems that the “candidates” can go to all the trouble and expense of running campaigns in the primaries, arrive at the convention center with all the state delegates they’ve acquired through their wins at the polls… and then get told to fuck off because the Democrats have something called “super delegates” who are not elected, but who appear to function as some kind of overriding process so that if the Democrat voters elect a fucking nutcase (like, say, Bernie Commie Bastard Sanders), these super-delegates can just put their collective thumb on the scales and elect someone else.
Did I get this right?
Wow… small wonder, then, that Hillary Bitch Clinton (who benefited from just this process in 2016) has essentially told Breadline Bernie that he is never going to get the nomination, despite the number of electoral delegates he might bring to the convention (again).
And this is the same party who wants to impose this bullshit on national elections.
All I can hope is that the Socialist convention in Milwaukee ends up as a furious melee between the Bernie fanatics and the “regular” [snort] delegates. Fistfights, tear gas, cops wading in with nightsticks — Chicago 1968 all over again — which might actually make me watch the thing.
My only problem is that I tend to clean my guns while I watch Democrats on TV, and gun oil doesn’t taste good with popcorn.
Short takes on Da Nooz:
1) Presidential hopeful Pete Buttplug indicated he is open to the idea of raising the legal age for firearm purchases — Cool. As long as he also supports raising the voting age by the same number.
2) Venezuelan dictator Maduro announced late Monday that he would order “surprise” war games to plan for attacks against the United States on a “permanent” basis — so basically, he’s copying California and D.C., except they’re not playing.
3) Portland Police Bureau are seeking the public’s help in identifying four Antifa members who took part in a recent protest in the city where police officers and civilians were attacked — and a prediction: one day these little fascist fucks are going to threaten or beat the wrong guy, and get shot in the face. On that day, I will publish a report of the incident under “Righteous Shootings”.
4) Paki Rape Gang Sentenced To Jail Terms — instead of being taken out behind the courthouse and shot in the back of the neck, unfortunately.
5) EU Wants To Keep Plundering Britain’s Fishing Waters — OR, the Brits can just send out their new aircraft carrier for “practice war games” and sink every EU ship it comes across. It’s not like the Euros could do anything about it, not one of them having a deepwater navy.
6) Noted Homophobe Trump Appoints Homo As DNI — so much for that little Lefty talking point. (Of course, he’s the wrong kind of homo, being conservative, hence the howls of protest from the Hair On Fire Party.)
7) CanuckiPM Girlyman Has No Clue — no surprises there, especially as he secretly supports their protests.
and finally:
8) Eating a big breakfast could help you burn double the amount of calories than if you eat a larger meal at dinner — y’all know what to do now, don’tcha?
By the way, if that were true, I’d weigh about 100lbs.
From Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán:
“Populism is when you make promises you can’t keep—if you can keep them, it’s democracy.”
Now, about that wall on the U.S.-Mex border…
Quoth some Democrat “strategist”:
“This has got to be an election fundamentally about Democrats’ vision for bringing the country together and solving the big problems that confront us.”
Really? This from a party which [deep breath]:
There are more, but I think everyone gets the idea. And if you think I’m inventing or exaggerating this behavior, feel free to study all California’s legislation and regulations enacted since 1990, or NYFC’s Mayor DeBlasio’s ditto.
Here are just a few pictures which encapsulate the incoherence in modern “progressive” thought:
And I’m not making this stuff up. Look at the numbers in the chart below:
Considering that all the above are largely threats coming from Democrat politicians, supporters and Democrat-controlled organizations, explain this to me:
How will the Democrat / Socialist Democratic Party ever “bring the country together”?
The simple answer is: they can’t, and they don’t want to. Their entire philosophy is predicated on the Marxist principle of the class struggle; and if they don’t have an economic class struggle (as in the U.S.A., where prosperity is the rule and not the exception), they will invent another class struggle against a different enemy, e.g. “White Patriarchy”, “White Supremacists”, “Racists” or “The 1%” (to name but some), even if their own leaders belong to said groups in one way or another. This quite apart from their actual opponents, e.g. conservatives and Trump supporters, whom they demonize with such exaggeration that reconciliation is quite impossible..
In other words, the Democrat Party thrives on disunity, and all their actions and policies are designed to exacerbate and not reduce it. So their stated desire to bring the country together is just another political lie, and it’s nothing more than a transparent ploy to try to win the 2020 election.
Apparently, the issue of a “dress code” or “decorous clothing” seems to have gone bye-bye in, of all places, Britishland (and to be specific, in Parliament). Witness this outfit chosen by a Labour MP (of course) to deliver a speech in the House of Commons:
Needless to say, the response from the BritPublic was not complimentary, prompting this classless Trot to respond in kind:
I know, I know, dear Tracy; perhaps you weren’t any of those things — it just looked like you were all of them. Of course, you were an actress once, which pretty much explains everything.
And just so we’re all clear on the implications of this: had Boris Johnson not won the last General Election, this harridan would now be a member of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet.