Some smart guy has published a list of “Lockdown Reading” (as an alternative to watching yet another content-thin TV documentary series or gloomy Scandi-cop drama on Prime or Netflix).
I myself am currently two-thirds of the way through the John Masters Loss Of Eden trilogy (still one of the finest Great War novel series ever published). For you Kindlers, they are here — the chronological order being Now God Be Thanked, Heart of War, and By The Green Of The Spring. Forget trying to get them in paper- or hardback. It took me about five years to collect my hardback copies, combing military second-hand bookstores over three states.
Here’s another list of war books, for those interested:
Derek Robinson’s RAF Quartet (WWII) and Hornet Squadron (WWI) series
Achingly sad, wonderfully funny, sometimes within the space of a couple sentences. As soon as finances improve, I’ll be adding to my collections of each series. Start with either Goshawk Squadron (WWI) or Piece of Cake (WWII), depending on your favorite war.