I’ll Give You Backlash

Insty linked to this article a while back:

Will #MeToo Spark Backlash Against Women in the Workplace?

You’d better believe it, although not just in the ways that the [female] writer of the article thinks.  Here are my thoughts on the topic, and I’ll bet anything that I’m not alone in this.

If I were a company owner or senior manager, my first obligation would be to the company:  its performance, productivity and profitability (the Three Ps).  In order to further that agenda, these are the things I’d do.

  • I would never hire a woman again, unless I absolutely had to.  In the latter situation, I’d hire an older woman with lots of experience only if there was absolutely no male candidate for the job with the same skills.  (Why older?  Because young women are fucked up, and I’m not interested in helping them.  Younger women are also more likely to affect one or more of the Three Ps because of their attitude, their propensity to cause trouble in the office, their sense of entitlement, and all the other characteristics which would affect the company’s productivity e.g. months and months of pregnancy leave.)  But honestly, I would prefer to hire male workers almost exclusively so we could concentrate on getting the job done.
  • I would not hire a Human Resources manager, or have an HR department.  HR is most often a refuge for women in any case, it has no operational function within a company, is quite simply overhead, and in many cases, malevolent overhead because it has to justify its existence, and can only do so by screwing with the lives of the employees and being an organ whereby dissatisfaction can be aired.  Every single technical function of HR can be handled by competent line managers, and what can’t be, I’d outsource.
  • There would be no administrative assistants (“secretaries”, as we used to call them, another hive for women to inhabit).  In today’s world, I would expect every employee to handle their own admin as part of the job description.  What they can’t handle (e.g. business travel planning, which can get complicated), I’d outsource that as well.
  • If I were to hire a woman, she’d have either a STEM degree from a technical college or any degree from Hillsdale.  I would make it plain, as part of the interview, that the focus of her job was to be the business, and nothing else.  And yes:  she would have to have a track record at least twice as good as any male interviewee for the position.

If all this comes across as hard-ass or “discriminatory”, I don’t care because I didn’t create today’s toxic environment, where men are vilified just for being men, where unprovable accusations are accepted as fact, and where prickly sensitivities have to be protected by company policy instead of by manners and decency.   To be frank, I hate the feminization of the business world, and in my own small way I’d be pushing back against it.

Of course, I’m never going to work in an office, or for Global MegaCorp Inc. or for anyone other than as an at-will worker.  Nor will I ever hire anyone ever again.  But let me tell you all, do not be surprised if the “backlash against women in the workplace” manifests itself in any or all of the above bullet points, even in part.

Men didn’t start this bullshit;  but we sure as hell can do our part to end it.  What you sow, you reap in the end;  and women need to understand this, if nothing else.

Going All The Way

In our continuing saga of “Teachers Shagging Their Students”, we come to this guy in Florida — of course — who despite having a hottie wife, managed to tap not one but two underage female students concurrently.  The twist?  He ended the thing when each of the girls turned 18.  Needless to say, when the spurned [sic] Lolitas found out he’d been cheating on both of them, they decided, in typical catty teenage-girl fashion, to tell his wife (pictured below).

Proving once and for all that women just don’t have a sense of humor, Wifey tossed Hubby out of the house and then called the school principal to rat on him.

He’s headed for jail, of course, despite neither of the teenage totties wanting to press charges  — but I’ll be really surprised if he gets the token sentence that a female teacher in the same situation would have received.

Tapping The Ex

No man should.

And calling it “hate sex” doesn’t even come close to making it acceptable — rather, the reverse.

Of course, someone is going to suggest that if your ex happens to look like this, then it’s okay:

But I will remind everyone of the old saying:  “No matter how hot she is or how good she looks, there’s always at least one guy who’s sick of all her bullshit.”

Changes Up & Down

A couple of years ago, the Daily Mail featured this creature in their coverage of the races at Aintree (Liverpool):

I know;  no man should, right?  Well, apparently the young lady saw the pic of herself, came to the same conclusion and did something bout it.  The following year at Aintree produced this pic:

Yikes.  Were it not for the tattoos on the feet [sigh],  you wouldn’t know it was the same girl.  Again:

Alas, thanks to the current trend towards radical feminism (“Your body is beautiful no matter what it looks like!”), coupled with the usual suspects (booze, bad diet, etc.), American girls seem to be headed in the opposite direction.

Try not to throw up.

Sad, especially when you learn that all the changes took place inside the space of a couple of years.

But hey… it’s a free country, so to speak, and these women should be able to abuse themselves as they please — just as men can exercise their choice and not date them unless there’s drunkenness and/or sheer desperation involved.

Tole Ya So

As I suggested earlier in the week, male employers are going to think twice before hiring women in the future.  Or maybe the future is now:

The Society for Human Resource Management published a report Thursday that documented the result of the movement that called on society to believe allegations of sexual harassment without question.
According to the study, nearly a third of executives report that they have “changed their behaviors to a moderate, great or very great extent to avoid behavior that could be perceived as sexual harassment.”
The CEO of the SHRM, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., explained that “some of the more concerning pieces of data that came out of the research are around the concern that there may be a backlash of sorts. There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained. “Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours.”

But that’s not all.  How about this development:

Amazon’s machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem.
The team had been building computer programs since 2014 to review job applicants’ resumes with the aim of mechanizing the search for top talent, five people familiar with the effort told Reuters.
But the firm was ultimately forced to end the project after it found the system had taught itself to prefer male candidates over females.

When even machines, looking at the thing empirically and dispassionately, find reasons to disqualify women…

There ya go, ladies.   Hope it was worth it.

OMG Houston, We Have A Problem

“This is not the kind of business I would like to see in Houston and certainly this is not the kind of business the City is seeking to attract,” Mayor Sylvester Turner said.

What kind of business would that be, that it would rile up Hizzoner so badly?  Why, this kind of business:


Yessirree, it’s Houston’s (and Texas’s) very first sex doll brothel.

Only it’s not a brothel.  Why?

Yuval Gavriel, the founder of KinySdollS, calls it a showroom.  Gavriel said customers can try out the merchandise [before buying].

Slippery.  And in one of those delicious little ironies:

The business does not meet the definition of a sexually oriented business and requires simply an occupancy permit.

Needless to say, Houston’s “There-Ought-To-Be-A-Law!” Brigade is in full cry:

Residents and activists have expressed their opposition to the brothel. “There’s kids around here and it’s a family-oriented neighborhood and I live right here and to have that here is just gross.” [said one killjoy]

Considering that Houston has one of the highest strip-clubs per 000 population ratios in the whole United States, this seems… okay, “hilarious” is the word I’m looking for here.  Not that this is going to deter the Puritans In Government [PIGs]:

[Mayor] Turner said “the city is currently reviewing existing ordinances that may restrict or regulate such businesses as well as looking to upgrade our ordinances to cover these type of businesses.”

To reiterate:  while I’m no longer strictly against “regular” prostitution per se, I’m certainly agnostic about the moral issues involved in this robot sex nonsense — but I knew the sex doll thing was going to open up a can of worms.  (I should also point out that unlike Alabama, Texas does not have any laws pertaining to sex toys, so the PIGs have their work cut out for them.)  Clearly, the Houston government has fixed up all the city’s other problems so that city government can afford to devote so much time and energy to stopping a business which will affect, at a rough guess, about a hundred people.

Somebody pass the popcorn.