The feministicals are always talking the “income disparity” or “wage gap” between men and women — i.e. that men are paid more than women for doing the same job. (It’s bullshit, of course, but run with me on this one.)
Well, that’s not true of all jobs.
Let’s take… oh, OnlyFans for example. Here’s an example (sent by Reader Mike L, thankee) of how a fairly plain-looking woman was able to pay for her roof repairs simply by posting a few saucy pics of herself on said roof (sample pic below).
Now I don’t have a garage roof needing repair, but had I gone to OnlyFans and posted a few pics of myself in a bathing suit on top of a roof, does anyone think that I could have raised $10,000 — or, for that matter, 10,000 cents, even?
(me looking all Afrikaans, with sjambok*)
I think it’s unfair that women should have access to this kind of disparate income opportunity and men don’t, so I call on the federal government to pass laws to ensure the equalization of income between men and women on websites such as OnlyFans.
Fairness in all things, right?
*And I apologize for any feelings of extreme nausea caused by the second pic.