Of course, it had to be a German:
While appearing on “The Morning Show,” Dr. Rissland was asked about whether or not drinking alcohol could kill any viruses a person may have ingested. “Yes, of course, that’s true,” Dr. Rissland responded. “And the higher the percentage of alcohol, the better it is. For example, if you are a whisky lover, then that certainly isn’t a bad idea,” he continued, while offering this bit of sage advice to pace yourself: “But of course you need to bear in mind that you can’t do that every 15 minutes, that is something else to consider.”
Speak for yourself, mein medisches freund. Actually, I think a half-mouthful of Scotch every quarter-hour is a little slow — to judge by the normal spirits-intake rate of several of my friends (Mr. Free Market, Doc Russia and Mrs. Sorenson, to name but three), and mine certainly doesn’t rank far behind.
I think the good doctor shouldn’t confine himself to just whisky / whiskey; he needs to publish a list of high-alcohol beverages, as a public service, of course.
Needless to say, the fuckheads at the WHO disagree strongly with his considered medical opinion. But I ask you, O My Readers: whose opinion would you rather trust: a conscientious, methodical German doctor, or the idiots who brought you too-late-breaking news of the Chinkvirus? I don’t think it requires that much thought, really.
The only question remains: Scotch, rum or brandy?