Bitch, Bitch, Bitch

It appears that liberal harpies are more likely to be unhappy with their lives than their more feminine counterparts:

According to the 2024 American Family Survey, only 12% of liberal women surveyed said they were “completely satisfied” with their lives, compared to 37% of conservative women and 28% of moderate women between the ages of 18-40. 

An analysis of the results showed that liberal women are “two to three times more likely” to indicate they are “not satisfied” with their lives when compared to women who identify as conservative. 

Color me unsurprised.  I have known many such harridans in my lifetime, and to a (wo)man they are sour, perpetually indignant and… miserable.  This is only exacerbated if they are vegans or wiccans [some overlap], and if they have a university degree in a topic with “Studies” in the title, then look out.

By and large, they see themselves as victims — buying into the current Marxist trope that there are two classes in society (victimizers and victims) — and of course eeeevil men are the former group, which means by default they are the latter.

The fact that by and large they are middle-class White women (in number) who can afford to indulge themselves in such nonsense gives the lie to their hysteria and self-inflicted unhappiness.

Conservative women, in contrast, are too busy for this foolishness because they are involved in raising happy families and doing good works (like church-y stuff) rather than wailing about (mostly-imagined) injustices, and feeling put-upon.

You may disagree with me on this point, but you’d be wrong;  and it would appear that I have the facts on my side withal.


Surrendering to an enemy is not always a bad thing.  Sometimes, your position is hopeless, and continuing the struggle is not only pointless but perhaps ruinous — loss of life, loss of country, whatever.

But surrendering to an enemy when you have won?  That, my friends, takes a lot of doing.   Try this for an example of the latter:

Are you fucking kidding me?  The murderous bitch was “upset”?   Bloody hell, why not just put sunglasses on her to cover her eyes as well?  Or why bother with a mugshot at all?

When she expressed her anguish at the facial mugshot, they should have re-shot the thing, thus:

Or even better, if she had the proper attributes:

That would have been much better treatment for her… but no, Milord Justice had to roll over like a little possum and accommodate her stupid religious custom, when she’s accused of trying to join ISIS to kill non-Muslim people.

Fuck ’em — not just the terrorists, but the spineless assholes who kowtow to them.

By the way:  before the original and oh-so-objectionable mugshot is scrubbed from the Internet by the judge’s little cousins in wokedom, here it is.


Talk about welcome news:

Danish campaigners are proposing to buy California from the United States and turn it into a territory of Denmark in response to Donald Trump‘s bid to acquire Greenland.

The ‘Denmarkification’ campaign says it seeks to crowdfund $1trillion to purchase the US state, after which it plans to instill it with Danish values and make the most of its sunny weather and resources.

Good luck with instilling any values — let alone Danish ones — into that cauldron of assholes, guys.  Hell, if you could clean up L.A. and San Francisco alone, you’d be doing the world a favor.

At least the new Danish “settlers” would be used to over-priced real estate, and the current crop of Californians would welcome your free healthcare and rampant socialism.  And don’t forget to include the cost of a wall around the place — we’ve had more than enough Californians infest the rest of the country, thank you.

And you Danes might as well forget speaking that throat-clearing stuff you call a language and learn to speak Spanish. Although that need may disappear soon, if you get your way:

Denmark’s immigration approach has been influenced by Right-wing parties for more than 20 years, with Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister and leader of the centre-Left Social Democrats, pursuing a “zero refugee” policy since coming to power in 2019.

The country of around six million people received 2,300 asylum requests last year.

“Last year, authorities granted the smallest number of residency permits to asylum seekers that we have seen in recent years,” Kaare Dybvad Bek, the immigration minister, said, calling the figure “historic”.

If you can do that in California… see the title of this post.

Quote Of The Day

“The United Kingdom is in trouble; their energy supplies are insufficient for their needs, and the policies that put them in this position are the same policies that the climate scolds want to implement here.” — Ward Clark

This comes as Norway is going to cut off their sales of natural gas to Britishland, because those sales (and likewise to Germany — another country with a bad energy policy) are causing domestic prices of gas to rise… and the Norwegian voters, unsurprisingly, don’t see why they should have to subsidize other countries’ bad energy policies.

By the way:  the UK’s backup gas provider is the U.S., which would sting them because the hated POTUS has ordered natgas production to ramp up.  Sadly for them, though, DJT has indicated that said increased gas supply will be used to drive down Biden-high energy costs for Americans.

Rock, meet hard place;  and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of smug Green assholes.

Oh Boo Frigging Hoo

I know that this happened in Socialist Britishland [/redundancy alert], but still:

A university has been accused of bullying its neighbours by preventing them from getting out of their back gardens.

Residents in Gloucester are fuming after the University of Gloucestershire put a 6ft high metal fence up against the edge of their properties, ahead of an expected sale of the land. 

It means people can’t get out of their gates and use the field for a stroll, to walk their dogs or let their children play, as they have done for many years.

Residents believe the move has affected their right to roam across the land and say it was done without warning.

Uhhhh it’s called “private property”, you idiots, and your previous use of the land was a privilege or favor granted by the land’s owner, and not one of your “rights” (especially a “right to roam”, which is a peculiar British custom anyway).

From the landowner:

A University of Gloucestershire spokesperson said: ‘We have put a fence around our site because, like any landowner, we do need to ensure our private property is secure and that our rights over the land are clear.

While the land is private property with no right of access or ‘right of way’ in place, we are keen to ensure that we maintain a positive relationship with our neighbours, so we have arranged drop-in sessions for residents to meet with senior members of our team so we can understand their concerns and answer any questions they may have.’

Wait till these privileged neighbors learn that the uni is selling the land to a developer who’ll most likely put up one of those ghastly Brit-style developments which resemble a low-security Scandinavian prison…