It appears that liberal harpies are more likely to be unhappy with their lives than their more feminine counterparts:
According to the 2024 American Family Survey, only 12% of liberal women surveyed said they were “completely satisfied” with their lives, compared to 37% of conservative women and 28% of moderate women between the ages of 18-40.
An analysis of the results showed that liberal women are “two to three times more likely” to indicate they are “not satisfied” with their lives when compared to women who identify as conservative.
Color me unsurprised. I have known many such harridans in my lifetime, and to a (wo)man they are sour, perpetually indignant and… miserable. This is only exacerbated if they are vegans or wiccans [some overlap], and if they have a university degree in a topic with “Studies” in the title, then look out.
By and large, they see themselves as victims — buying into the current Marxist trope that there are two classes in society (victimizers and victims) — and of course eeeevil men are the former group, which means by default they are the latter.
The fact that by and large they are middle-class White women (in number) who can afford to indulge themselves in such nonsense gives the lie to their hysteria and self-inflicted unhappiness.
Conservative women, in contrast, are too busy for this foolishness because they are involved in raising happy families and doing good works (like church-y stuff) rather than wailing about (mostly-imagined) injustices, and feeling put-upon.
You may disagree with me on this point, but you’d be wrong; and it would appear that I have the facts on my side withal.