Two Solutions

Several people have written to me to ask why I haven’t commented on the Iranian-backed Hamas attack / invasion of Israel — especially as I’ve long been a strong supporter of both Israel and my Tribe friends.

Frankly, I’ve been thinking about the situation, and devising some kind of suggested response that would be appropriate for Israel.

There are, as the title for this post suggests, two solutions for Israel to consider.  The first is simple.

Set aside your inherent loathing of ethnic cleansing.  I know, I know:  Hitler tried to do just that to Jews (and look where it got him), and ever since then Jews (and their parent state Israel) have recoiled from any idea of doing the same to people who hate them and want them destroyed.  Let’s clear up a couple of misconceptions first.

Firstly, clearing out the entire Gaza Strip (destroying all their buildings — every last one) and killing any Arab who tries to resist is not “ethnic” cleansing, in its purest sense, because there is no genetic difference between Arabs and Jews:  they’re both Semitic, genetically speaking.

Secondly, what the wholesale destruction of Gaza and its inhabitants represents is not therefore anything other than a military operation of retaliation — retaliation against an indiscriminate slaughter of Israelis (and, lest we forget, a whole bunch of non-Israelis as well).  To allow this “Palestinian” state to exist and continue to be a threat to Israeli citizens would be a complete failure of a government whose primary (some would say sole) duty is to protect those same citizens.

I’m not interested in people who wail that innocent Palestinians would be killed in such an operation, because there are no “innocent Palestinians” — witness the celebrations of these Arabs not just in the Middle East but worldwide over the slaughter of, ahem, innocent Israelis.  They don’t consider any Israelis to be innocent, so why should you treat them any differently?  Hell, the Hamas terrorists use their own civilians as shields against retaliation, relying on the Israelis’ reluctance to kill innocent people;  if that’s how they regard civilians, why should anyone else care about them?

To go from the specific retaliation to a broader one:  Hamas must be destroyed:  its leadership, its followers, its bases of operation and, most importantly, its support structure.

Which means taking on Iran.  I leave that to the Israeli military to pick the options here, but other than the obvious ones (destroying Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and killing the Iranians tasked with supporting Hamas), Israel should start a wholesale destruction of Iran’s oil apparatus:  the oilfields, the refineries, the ports and oil export infrastructure, the lot.  No Iranian money, no Hamas.  It’s that simple an equation.

All that comprises only the first of the two solutions of the title of this piece.  Here’s the Second [sic].

We are all accustomed to seeing pictures of off-duty Israeli soldiers walking around with their rifles slung.

However, it should be remembered that these are active-duty soldiers, not ordinary civilians.

In fact — and this is their dirty little secret — it’s almost impossible for civilian Israelis to get to own guns, any guns, for their own protection.  It is, to my mind, the single-largest failure of the Israeli government:  not having an equivalent of our Second Amendment.

In essence, what the Israeli government is saying is:  “Leave your protection to us, and to our Defense Force.”

The recent attack on a music festival (i.e. a civilian event with, it should be noted, no Army presence) should end that little charade right there in its tracks.  Or, as we Americans would put it, “When seconds count and the police are minutes away.”  The IDF’s immediate response to the Hamas invasion was quick (bit not quick enough), but neither decisive nor concerted.

Here’s another little event which happened at the same time as the invasion:

Hamas militants terrorists indiscriminately gunned down civilians and took control of a police station in a small Israeli city in Saturday’s surprise offensive.

Sderot, home to 30,000 people, was one of the first settlements to come under attack by the Hamas militants, who moved through the city shortly after dawn.

Using motorbikes, pickup trucks, motorised gliders and speed boats, more than 1,000 fighters streamed into Israel – targeting cities including Ashkelon, Ofakim and Sderot – in an attack that caught authorities completely off-guard.

Harrowing footage of the assault captured by survivors has since emerged, showing how the heavily armed assailants rode into the city on the back of pick-up trucks, killing dozens of civilians before besieging and ultimately seizing its police station.

Note that they were essentially unopposed while they played their little reindeer games and did not come under fire until after the game was played out — the IDF plowed down the police station and crushed these “militants” to death in the rubble — but it was too late for those unfortunate civilians shot at before.  Take a look at this pic:

I’ll bet that there’s not a single gun among these alte kakers, although all of them are of an age where they could have fought in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  To deny these men their right to self-defense, to not allow them to be armed while they play their peaceful little board game, is to turn them into potential victims of Hamas terrorists.

The Israeli government should, with immediate effect, allow civilians to purchase and possess whatever guns they wish, and carry them as they go about their daily business.

Yes, there may be the occasional accident or even homicide — just as we tragically experience here in the U.S. — but the greater good is, if anything, even greater in Eretz Yisrael  than it is here.  Otherwise, there’s going to be a whole lot more of this:

…and it will all be entirely the fault of the government.

Get it done, Izzies.

Not Here, It Ain’t

Here’s one from Britishland that’s guaranteed to make yer blood boil:

Shoppers trying to arrest shoplifters could expose themselves to legal action and even imprisonment for assault, a lawyer has said.

Chris Philp told a fringe event at last week’s Tory Party conference that members of the public should make citizen’s arrests on thieves and called on security guards to step in where it is safe to do so.

But Ed Smyth, partner at Kingsley Napley, said that the law generally only permits citizen’s arrests for serious cases that could be tried in a crown court. They could also be used for low value shoplifting cases, but the force used must always be reasonable in the circumstances.

And guess what?  You don’t get to decide what’s “reasonable”.

No wonder that law-abiding Brits just cower in the face of villainy.  The law is not on their side.

Major Irritant

What goes:  “Fuck. Double fuck.  Double-doublety-double fuck”?

That would be me.

When my Logitech mouse starts randomly double-clicking when I tap the key once.

Yesterday I tried to see whether it was a software or hardware issue, so I tried going to Logitech’s “Customer Support” site (okay, you can stop laughing now).

  1. Tried blowing compressed air under the key, as helpfully suggested by Rajib “Logan”  — didn’t help.
  2. “Enter the serial # of your mouse, then we’ll know exactly what it is”  — fucking hell, I could barely read the thing with a magnifying glass, and every time I turned it over to read it, the cursor wandered out of the chat panel, never to be seen again.  Eventually, after uttering Sentence #1 of this post a few times, I managed to get the thing entered.
  3. “Do you have another PC or laptop where you can test your mouse?” — good idea.  Then we can see if it’s a laptop software issue or a mouse issue.  Hopped over to New Wife’s PC in the next room.  Once I’d called her to get the login password — shuddup — I connected it up and… nope, still doing it, the little fucking fucking double-fucking piece of shit.  Go back to laptop.
  4. “Session has timed out.  Do you want to log in again?” — where’s the 1911?  Oh yeah, in pieces on the table waiting to be cleaned. So I log in once more.
  5. “We’re sorry, but your warranty expired on 02/22/21.  We cannot replace your mouse.”

So I shot bit the bullet — not literally, ammo is spendy — and ordered another one.  From Amazon.

“Your order may be delayed as the product is on back order.”


[several lines of cursing omitted]

Want Ads With That?

How nice:

Amazon Prime to streaming customers: pay $2.99 per month or go back to watching commercials

Streaming services are in a heated tug-of-war over viewers and users are growing more adept at jumping in and out of those services, often depending on price. The platforms risk losing customers with price hikes, but they could lose them if they don’t generate new content that wins over users.

Disney will begin charging $13.99 a month in the U.S. for ad-free Disney+ in mid-October, 75% more than the ad-supported service. Netflix already charges $15.49 per month for its ad-free plan, more than twice the monthly subscription for Netflix with ads.

Amazon said limited advertisements will be aired during shows and movies starting early next year so that it can “continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time.”

I haven’t seen much evidence that Amazon has created much in the way of “compelling content” (i.e. stuff that we actually want to see), so I’m not sure how I’m going to respond to this new little bit of Shylockian chiseling.  We don’t buy that much from Amazon anyway, unless there’s absolutely no local shopping alternative or the products’ manufacturers don’t offer online sales, so our shipping costs aren’t that high to begin with, ergo  there’s not much in the way of saving through Prime.

And am I the only one who spends almost as much time looking for something decent to watch as actually watching a show?  (Ditto Netflix, by the way.)

I understand the business model — there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch TV show — but included in the business model is the fact that some consumers won’t go along with the latest pricing structure.  And in fact I don’t really mind if ads play before a show, even though they’re irritating.  But during a show?  Forget that shit.

What I’ll most probably do is suspend our Prime subscription altogether after Christmas, and if we absolutely must shop through Amazon thereafter, wait and consolidate our purchases into one delivery.

I guess we’ll see how all this plays out.

Broken Neighborhoods

I was interested, although not surprised, to see this development:

High-end retail shops in California’s iconic Beverly Hills have reportedly begun to shutter their doors amid an epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies.

To be fair, a whole bunch of them had already closed because of California’s stringent WuFlu lockdown a couple years back.  But this latest “epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies” is absolutely the fault of the politicians and the voters who put them there.

Yup:  being soft on crime, whether allowing overt riots of the BLM genre or having the “shoplifting isn’t really a crime” mindset, can only lead to more and yet more lawlessness — something you’d think would be blindingly obvious to the dumbest of the dumb.

Clearly, Californians fall even below the above definition.

Let Beverly Hills sink — and the rest of that poxy state along with it.

Oh Boo Hoo

Once again, we have handwringing when some young asshole, as the saying goes, “fucks around and gets found out”.  In this particular case, we’re supposed to get upset when a drunken college kid gets shot because he thought he was trying to get into his own home at 2am, but it wasn’t;  and the actual homeowner shot and killed him.

That’s how the media paints it, of course, but that’s not actually how it panned out:

Nicholas Anthony Donofrio, 20, died early Saturday after knocking, banging, and kicking on the front door of the man who shot him when he broke the glass window and tried to manipulate the doorknob.

Frankly, I’d have done precisely the same thing under the circumstances — and I bet there are more than a few of my Readers nodding in agreement.

Anyway, sanity has prevailed:

A police news release added that the investigation determined the shooter – who legally owned the firearm – was covered by South Carolina’s so-called ‘Stand Your Ground’ law and no charges will be filed.

I don’t know what this “legally owned the firearm” business is, unless that’s some South Carolina thing I’m unaware of.

Whatever, it’s a tragedy;  but when you’re an underage drunk trying to bust into a house, there might well be a shooting.  The kid thought he was trying to get into his own house, but that’s not how it appeared to the actual homeowner.

And if the kid’s family wants to sue someone, they should start with the booze company (just kidding, they shouldn’t be thinking of suing anybody).