
When an article begins with:

“Recently I spent a couple of days in Dubai-on-Thames, formerly known as London”

…you just know you’re in for a rant of the kind you will often see on this back porch, only with (far) fewer Bad Words.  And indeed, Theodore has still more gems, like:

“That anyone capable of uttering such drivel should be appointed (with the prime minister’s approval!) to a position of such importance demonstrates that the country has long since passed the point of no return as far as its decay is concerned.”

…and my personal favorite (about another writer):

“In a sensible world, the writer of this would be charged with crimes against the English language and forbidden from ever writing again.”

Under the reign of World-Emperor Kim, such charges would be accompanied by public floggings, but let’s not get distracted here.


“On and on goes this saccharine semi-prayer that made me want to throw a brick through the window.”

Or put a .45 bullet into the miscreant writer, but that punishment would be reserved for the editors of various newspapers (you can guess their names).

Anyway, go ahead and read the whole article, because I’ve only touched on the vitriol.

The title of this post reverts to the original spelling of the word, i.e. something that inspires awe, and is being used sarcastically.

Unnecessary Change

I am often teased about my resistance to change, but in fact I’m quite comfortable with it, when it is both necessary and/or beneficial.

Case in point:  last week I got sick of my phone performing random changes on me — e.g. switching to “Airplane” mode (a 3-button operation, so not a “fat-finger” or “butt-dial”  phenomenon) without my input — and a battery that had been charged t0 100% but had somehow shrunk to less than 50% by the time I got to the supermarket.  New Wife was having similar issues to mine — also un-prompted but different in type — and as we’d bought them at the same time some four years ago, we decided to get replacements together over the weekend.

Because I have ZERO tolerance for inanimate objects and even less with technology, we went off to the T-Mobile store at the mall so as to preclude situations like me hurling the new phone against the wall.  I had done a little research beforehand and decided on the model already (Motorola 4G something because I don’t trust 5G just yet) and as luck would have it, the store had them in stock — the last two, by the way — and so we sat down and got the friendly young customer service kid (thanks, Carlos) to perform the magic which would transfer the data on the old broken phones over to the new ones.  (It says something for the modern generation that he was able to perform said magic on both phones simultaneously without any hassle whatsoever.)

Of course, there was some work left to do — reinstalling the few apps I need to keep my life organized — but that was no problem because I’d done it before with the old phone, so easy job.

Then as I started to familiarize myself with the new phone’s operation, my irritation started its engine and the rev counter began to head towards the red line.  For starters, the familiar operation buttons at the bottom of the screen

…had been replaced by the inscrutable

…which requires one to swipe up to go back to the Home screen.  The “Back” and “Show Open Programs” buttons?  Gone without a trace, sunk quicker than the fucking Bismark.  You can show the open programs, but that requires two or three non-intuitive steps to get there, and I still haven’t found a replacement for the Back button.

WHY?  What possible user benefit does that change provide?

Next comes the incoming phone call answering screen, changed from:

…with, once again, a single button:

And because I get few phone calls anyway, I haven’t yet been able to figure out how to send the poxy call to Voicemail if I’m busy or don’t recognize the caller.

One again:  WHY?

The older screens were both functional, easy to understand and required absolutely no change, nor time spent in learning how to work the fucking things.

I remember back in the day that when buying a new car, learning how to work the thing required about 30 seconds — where’s the indicator lever, where are the light switches, how does the fan/AC work — and you could drive straight out the dealership and carry on with your life.

Now?  You need a 30-minute tutorial from the sales rep, and you’d better not lose your instruction manual (which itself requires a tutorial on how to use it, because car manufacturers insist on trying to make a single manual cover all the different models at once, rendering the thing as inscrutable as the Rosetta fucking Stone).

The new phone bullshit is even less justifiable.

I haven’t even mentioned the fact that the new phones use the smaller USB-C plugs, thus rendering all my old backup power cords redundant and requiring the purchase of a few new ones, to drive up the transaction cost.

Technological change is fine, but making it more difficult to operate on the most basic level does nothing but cause unnecessary aggravation.

New Wife locked the patio door before leaving for work so that my new phone wouldn’t turn into a submarine (the pool is but a few yards away from our apartment).  She is wise, and knows me well.

The only positive thing about all this is that the new (and larger) phone still fits in my car’s phone holder, so there’s that.

Really Sad

I was sorry to hear about the death of Markie Post, the much put-upon defense attorney in the Night Court  TV series.

So what better way to celebrate her passing away by remembering her as the hottie she once was, rather than as a cancer victim at age 70?

…and my favorite pic of Markie:

“Why is that your favorite, Kim?”

‘Nuff said.

Getting Tired

I think it was Steve Kruiser who wrote a few weeks back that he was getting tired of writing about politics and social issues, and I can see his point completely because I feel exactly the same way.

The problem is that it’s all the same:  more evil shit from the Socialists (immigration, masks/lockdowns, overspending, the 1/6 show trial, still more “othering” of conservatives — especially Trump supporters — gun control wailing, yet more fucking idiocy from “The Squad” of Commie bitches in the House, lies about the criminality of illegal voting in the 2020 elections, and so on and so on).

All the above bullshit happens every day, repeated ad nauseam  and with ever-increasing rancor and viciousness — fuck me, it just never stops and after a while, I just can’t be bothered to comment on it because it’s all the same bullshit:  more government, more social control, more flouting of the Constitution or U.S. law, all seemingly without fear of pushback or legal consequences, and all aided and abetted by the constant barrage of screaming idiocy from the mainstream media such as the Big Three networks, CNN/MSNBC, the New York Times  and every other newspaper, and so on.

I can ridicule President Braindead, Vice-President Cocksucker, Squeaker Pelosi and all the other toads like Schumer, Swallwell and their ilk until I’m blue in the face, but damn it, I’m just getting tired of it all.

We all know how loathsome this bunch of Commies and government control freaks can be, and let me ask you this:  was anyone surprised when that half-assed plot to kidnap MichGov “Irma Grese” Whitmer was revealed as basically a false flag operation by the fucking FBI?  The same FBI who tried to help undermine an elected U.S. President, who’ve been warning in breathless tones about a supposed White supremacist movement that’s going to rebel violently against the government, when everyone in their right mind knows that there’s no such thing, and none of that crap is ever going to happen?

We all know that the real danger to democracy is not conservatives or Trump supporters but the people who want to subvert voting laws to allow non-citizens to vote, or for citizens to vote as many time as needed to get the socialists elected.

We all know that Critical Race Theory is not a laudable attempt to redress the wrongs of racism, but a baleful movement to push Whites aside, out of the education establishment, out of political thought or politics itself, and to poison White children against their parents, their race and their heritage.

We know all these things and so much more, and honestly, I don’t know whether my ranting about them does any good whatsoever because at the end of it all, this back porch of mine is largely filled with friends and fellow conservatives who in some cases are more conservative than I, who are still more angry about the current situation than I am;  and with all that, what’s the point of me talking about this crap any more?

Thank goodness that I have other things to talk about:  cars, guns, sports, beautiful women, good music, Righteous Shootings and all the other things that pique the interest of men like myself.

I welcome your thoughts on the matter, O My Readers, in Comments or by email.

Quote Of The Day

From ZMan (via Uncle Mike):

The hard lesson America is about to learn is one that the Europeans never seemed to learn, despite plenty of opportunities.  That is, diversity plus proximity must always end in violence.  The internet age has brought every American into close contact with every other American.  No one likes what they see in the other camps and increasingly no one thinks they can live near the other camp.  The result is predictable.

And the final paragraph is equally bleak:

In the twilight of the West, it is only appropriate that the show will close with one last spasm of ideological warfare.  If the antiwhite fanatics carry the day and erase white society from the book of life, they take themselves with it in what will be remembered as the great suicide of the West.  If this is resisted and avoided, it will mostly likely require a degree of ugliness as yet unimagined.  Either way, the great epoch of ideology will not end well.

Hello, the Balkan States of America.