Royal Beauty

One of the best things to come out of the demise of Teh Covidiocy is that horrible sights like this:

…have turned back into visions like this:

Yup;  that’s Royal totty beauty Queen Letizia of Spain.  And despite the fact that she needs several extra helpings of paella, she’ll do just fine:



And anyone who was born in the town of Oviedo can’t be all bad.  Why Oviedo?  Because that’s where 1893 Mausers (7x57mm) like these were once made:

Like Letizia, they’re slender, elegant and (by my estimation) quite deadly.  I’ve had one and not the other, but I’d take either in a heartbeat.

In The Air Again

With only a few exceptions, anyone who knows anything about history and aviation has respect (at worst) and love for the extraordinary De Havilland Mosquito fighter-bomber-reconnaissance airplane.

As a number of my Readers fall into the history/aviation dork genus, here’s an hour or so of the restoration of a Mozzie.  I loved every minute of it.

Even better, in Canada (????).  Brilliant stuff.

Sad Comparison

At some show called the SAG Awards (I don’t know what it means, either), there was this little parade, wherein some actresses showed off their (sorta-)cleavages.

The magnificent Salma, however, had no need to do so, and didn’t — probably out of kindness to the flat-chested.

Incidentally:  am I the only one who thinks that Lady Gaga (1st left) looks better inside one of her grotesque face masks?