Random Totty

There’s this Dutch cyclist named Puck Moonen*, and apparently she’s been named the World’s Most Beautiful Cyclist or something, so I think it behooves us to look her over, so to speak.

I don’t know what standards of beauty apply in the female cycling world, but there’s no denying she’s rather fetching.

And I’m pretty sure that she would have more than enough energy and stamina for just about any activity you’d want to engage in with her.

*In Dutch, her name would be pronounced “Pook Moo-uh-nen” (with both the shortened “oo” sounds pronouced like “book”), if my memory of the lingo serves me correctly.


Normally, I change the wallpaper on my laptop about every week.  This one, from Alan Fearnley, has been there for nearly two because I find the whole tableau incredibly appealing:  restful, old-fashioned, a beautiful car and a pretty lady… what more could one ask for?

Right-click to embiggen.

Back Then

Wasting time over at C.W.’s place there’s this little bit of nostalgia, with his comment:

Certainly, my Gran’s did, except her tabletop was covered with a single sheet of green linoleum (don’t ask).

Also at C.W.’s:  he’s been on a tear about the wonderful Alfa Romeo Tipo 105 sports cars of the late 1960s and early 70s, like this one:

This might be my favorite model of them all:  the Giulia GT Junior, with Alfa’s extraordinary 1300cc engine which performed completely out of its weight class.


Finally, and I hesitate to even say this, he has no business posting pictures of terrible things like this on his website:

Doubleplus want.

I’d call that a Texas BLT, but the bread’s a little on the thin side.

Random Totty

Those who saw Ricky Gervais’s outstanding Netflix show After Life  may have noticed one of the co-stars, a youngin who comes on board the newspaper as a cub reporter.  In real life, her name is Mandeep Dhillon, and she’s a hottie.

And yes, the eyes have it.