Via Insty, I see that another teacher at the same school has been canned for her side gig:
A second teacher at a small Missouri high school has landed in hot water for supplementing her income by peddling porn on OnlyFans — after a student slipped a note under her classroom door that they “knew her secret,” according to a report.
Megan Gaither, 31, an English teacher and varsity cheerleading coach at St. Clair High School, told the Post-Dispatch that she was put on leave Friday after her X-rated moonlighting job was revealed.
Gaither said she joined the subscription-based site in May to help pay back more than $125,000 in student loans. Her total pay last year, including a coaching stipend, was about $47,500, the paper reported.
Her colleague Brianna Coppage, a former freshman and sophomore English teacher at the school, recently resigned to devote all her time to porn after she was placed on leave when it was revealed she was running an OnlyFans page with her husband.
It’s only fans fair to see what all the fuss is about:

I know: cue the “They didn’t look like that back in the day when I was using a quill to write on papyrus!” wails.
My question is of a different nature. How the hell did she expect to pay back $125,000 in student loans on a teacher’s salary anyway? (Corollary: what kind of non-medical / legal degree ends up costing well over a hundred grand?)
Look, I’m no prude, but I am a realist. The appearance of subscriber sites like OnlyFans has given women a non-academic economic opportunity. Low up-front cost (a camera, access to a streaming outlet) and away we go.
Granted, one needs to have a fairly relaxed set of morals and (perhaps) a willing partner (or two, if we’re going to get really adventurous). But given the apparent lack of modesty and morality among young women today, that doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.
And being even more realistic, an OnlyFans gig is a million times safer than other prostitution options, which involve walking the streets and being at risk from all those Green River Killer wannabes, not to mention the chances of being abducted and sold to some Arab in a Gulf state.
At least we have equal opportunity here, among women anyway. Unlike a “straight” movie career, looks aren’t that important because, let’s face it, there are no limits to male depravity — okay, male tastes — in this kind of thing. Even someone who looks like Hillary Clinton will find a willing (and paying) audience in the “GILF” world.

Sorry about that, but you get my point. Even the most hardened, tattooed and pierced chick is going to be guaranteed an audience that is not confined to still pics on; in fact, that seems to be a positive advantage.
Anyway, before this post turns into a treatise, I deplore the fact that people who are supposedly “educating” our kids academically are in fact giving them another kind of education altogether. Witness the fact that somehow, the little sneaks in the above article seemed to have had no problem in not only finding and identifying Teacher Dearest on OnlyFans — a whole ‘nother topic all by itself: what the fuck were teenage boys doing on OnlyFans? where did they get the money? where were their parents? — but these boys were apparently going to blackmail the hapless teachers (which has happened before).
For all the opprobrium heaped on the religious schools of yore (I know, lust-filled Catholic priests and nuns with rulers blah blah blah), I can’t help thinking that Napoleon had a point: let the Church educate children until age 12, and then toss the little shits out into the world to earn a living, was his dictum, Certainly, cossetting them in schools until age 24 (which is what we have today) doesn’t seem to be working that well for them either.

It’s a little sad to think that the kids in the above pic are going to end up with untold thousands in tuition debt, and only the girl on the end is going to have the OnlyFans option to pay it off.
On the other hand, maybe that’s all they deserve.