As Regular Readers know full well, my website has been ill-treating comments (or attempts at commenting) like lions having a buffalo breakfast:
Net result is that nobody, least of all me, is happy about this.
So here’s what’s going to happen.
Over the next couple or so weeks, Tech Support II is going to rebuild this website and its functions on one of his own NSA-capacity servers. This will take place when he’s not fighting the forces of evil and ineptitude (i.e. his regular paying job) and can devote some of his valuable free time to the rebuild. When the time comes, we’ll all get a couple days’ warning, and then he’s going to flip a switch and migrate this whole back porch over to its new digs.
Some content — mostly, it should be said, all the comment-related toxicity — may disappear into the Intarwebz Black Hole never to be seen again. which means that there is a possibility that y’all may have to re-register, or maybe not, we’ll see.
Then all will be well: unicorns running wild in the streets, winning lottery tickets for everybody and a massive, collective and fatal heart attack will strike dead all governmental swamp denizens. (Hey, we can all dream, right?)
Either TSII or I will keep everybody posted as to progress as, if and when it occurs.
Update from TSII: No need to re-register for the folks. The worst case is a couple of hours of comments getting lost in the move.